Is Flavored Coffee Okay to Drink on A Keto Diet?

When you take on a new diet, it can be challenging to figure out what you can and cannot drink and eat. Keto is no exception. While many people assume that drinking flavored coffee will automatically put them over their daily carbohydrate limit, in fact, there are many different types of flavored coffees that are keto-friendly and healthy for most people following the diet.

In general, most flavored coffees (with the exception of those made with artificial sweeteners) contain very few carbohydrates and are a good way to get some added fats and flavors into your day while keeping your carb count low. So if you’re wondering whether or not you can drink flavored coffee on keto, here’s what you need to know.

Is Flavored Coffee Okay to Drink on A Keto Diet?

Is Flavored Coffee Okay to Drink on A Keto Diet?

The short answer to this question is yes — with a couple of important caveats. To start with, the type of coffee you choose to drink matters significantly. If you want to drink flavored coffee on keto, you want to make sure that the type you choose to drink is low in carbohydrates.

Certain types of coffee are naturally lower in carbs — particularly Arabica beans, which are the type most commonly used in coffee production. Robusta beans, on the other hand, are higher in carbohydrates, so you want to look for Arabica beans when you’re shopping for coffee on keto.

You should also look for single-origin, ethically sourced coffee beans whenever possible since these will taste better and be higher quality than coffee beans blended from a variety of sources. Another thing to keep in mind when you’re wondering whether or not flavored coffee is okay to drink on keto is the type of flavor you choose.

You can find many low-carb coffee syrups and flavorings that are safe to use on keto, and you also have the option of making your own syrups or flavorings from scratch if you’d rather avoid these products.

Sugar-Free Flavored Coffee

When you’re wondering whether or not coffee is okay to drink on a keto diet, the first thing to look at is the type of sweetener that the coffee uses. When it comes to coffee sweeteners, you want to make sure that they are low in carbohydrates — ideally, they should have no carbohydrates in them whatsoever.

The two most commonly used sweeteners in keto-friendly coffee are stevia and monk fruit, and both of these are safe to use on keto. In fact, stevia is widely considered to be a healthy sweetener with minimal side effects, while monk fruit sweeteners are another option that is considered safe to use on keto.

Other common sweeteners, like sucralose, are high in sugar and should be avoided when drinking coffee on keto.

Are There Carbs in Flavored Coffee?

One of the biggest questions that people have, when they’re wondering whether or not flavored coffee is okay to drink on keto, is whether or not flavored coffee has carbs in it. The short answer is yes, flavored coffee does have carbs in it, and the amount varies depending on the type of coffee you drink.

The amount of carbs in flavored coffee is generally pretty low. Note that the carb counts may vary slightly from brand to brand. With the exception of flavored coffees made with artificial sweeteners, most flavored coffees contain very few carbohydrates.

If you want to drink flavored coffee on keto, you’ll want to make sure to choose a brand that uses a low-carb sweetener like stevia or monk fruit. You can also make your own flavored coffees from homemade syrups and flavorings.

Can You Drink Coffee on A Speed Keto Diet?

If you’re wondering whether or not you can drink flavored coffee on a keto diet, you’ll also want to make sure that you’re following the diet correctly. Most people following a standard keto diet drink black coffee since it’s relatively low in calories and an easy way to get extra fat into your diet.

If you want to drink flavored coffee on a speed keto diet, it’s a good idea to stick to diet sodas, diet teas, and low-carb hot drinks like hot cocoa or hot chocolate. These are still low enough in calories to fit easily into the diet, and they’re also a good way to add some variety and flavor to your regular keto routine.


The short answer to the question “Is Flavored Coffee Okay to Drink on A Keto Diet?” is yes — as long as you choose a brand that uses a low-carb sweetener like stevia or monk fruit, and you select a flavor that is low in carbohydrates.

You can also make your own flavored coffees from homemade syrups and flavorings. It’s important to remember that the amount of carbs in flavored coffee varies depending on the brand, so check the nutrition label before you drink it to make sure it fits into your diet.

Cup A Roast

When it comes to coffee, there is no better resource than our website. Whether you’re looking for tips on improving your brewing technique or a comprehensive guide to different types of coffee, we have everything you need right here.

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